Health Screening is a proactive approach to effective health and lifestyle management, aimed at early identification of medical conditions which could cause ill health and even premature death. Such examples include heart disease, cancers and mental health.

What Health Screening Involves:

  • Blood pressure, heart rate, weight, height, body mass index measurement
    Urinalysis to check kidney function
  • An extensive blood screening which includes an assessment of cholesterol and glucose levels, liver and kidney function, measurement of haemoglobin and iron levels, full blood count and a screen for gout and haemochromatosis
  • Review of current lifestyle, diet and exercise regime
  • Physical examination and assessment of the body systems
  • Breast/testicular cancer risk awareness and advice Analysis and explanation of tests completed
  • Advice on behavioural and lifestyle modification
  • Comprehensive health screening helps in early detection of a disease and is more cost effective than treating the disease itself, in other words, prevention is better than cure!

Please make an appointment and talk to your GP who will advise you which type of health screening is most suitable.